Nervous, excited, scared, humbled

The past week or so has really sucked. On Friday the 21st of December, I woke up with a sore throat. I went out to a comedy show that night, and didn’t feel sick. I just had a sore throat. I woke up the next day with the full-blown flu.

My parents were already at my sister’s house in Orange County, and I was to drive there the 23rd or 24th. It never happened, as the flu got worse. I felt like I had been run over by a steam roller. I was just exhausted and my neck hurt for a day. I took really good care of myself by sleeping a lot. I had an appetite, so I just kept eating. I used my neti pot every day and gargled with warm salt water. I think all of that is what helped me. Though I was sick for 7 days, I didn’t feel like I was on death’s door. I was just SO tired and a little weak. I missed Xmas with my family, which sucked. I love my niece, Olivia, so much! She’s almost 10 now and she stayed with me for a week this past summer. It’s the first time she’s ever flown here by herself and came to stay with me. We had a blast and it just broke my heart that I couldn’t be there. The drive would have killed me.

I woke up the other day to a comment on one of my posts here. Someone else is offering us a place to stay on our trip. I do not know this person, and she is the second one to offer. I’m so touched! Every day I see more and more likes on the Facebook page  ( and I got messages the past few days from people I don’t even know. The other donors are incredibly supportive and they comment and share some of my posts. As a Social Media person, this page is doing what it’s supposed to!

Some time this week, I get to talk to firemen in NYC. A friend of mine told me about a kidney donation between them and knows a couple of the guys. How cool would it be to sneak in some NYC firemen???!!! That’s America right there! My father was a volunteer firemen, so it will be pretty cool to see them. I will, of course, get pics with them because we all know how sexy they are. Hahaha!

Tomorrow, Jimmy and I work on the script. I’ve got a meeting on Wednesday with Dr. Jean Robey. She is TinyMom’s doctor and has given me a lot of advice, feedback, and motivation the past few weeks. I definitely need it!

I’m a bit overwhelmed, but I’m ok.

I’m a bit nervous, but I’m ok.

I’m excited, too, to share all of these stories with everyone.

Most of all, though, I’m humbled beyond words at the help and support I am getting.

8 thoughts on “Nervous, excited, scared, humbled

  1. betterisbest2011

    I love this movement and this idea. It what the world lacks and it has not just the most unlikely people doing the most bold things it says the time has come to take up a cause that creates some new momentum. It’s my pleasure to watch it and my absolute privilege to help in anyway. I think the idea speaks for itself and others who are tuned to hear the core message will rally to get a piece of true history in the making. Make us believers in ourselves Amy. You can do that…., even with one kidney and an army of one. Look what TinyMom can do now? And the army you have now? I’m proud of you as a person humbled and nervous and excited and powerful. Be convicted. They call you crazy till they absorb your energy and pick up the cause!


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