Monthly Archives: March 2013

#KidneyChat tripled last night!

Last night was the third week for #KidneyChat. I started it hoping to just talk with other donors and have people who were thinking about donating, have a place to openly ask questions.
Every week, there have been more donors who I don’t know jumping in.
Every week, there are more people who have begun testing to donate jumping in.
Every week, there are more people who are friends and loved ones of donors and kidney patients jumping in.

Every week, our reach has tripled over the last week. On last Monday, #KidneyChat trended nationally OVER The Biggest Loser. Last night we were the 4th highest trending topic on Twitter in Phoenix.

People want to talk about this. People NEED to talk about this. People ARE talking about this.

Twitter Reach Report Results for  kidneychat   TweetReach

Looking back on the past two years…

…I never could have imagined I’d be where I am today!
Kirti and I exchange photos a lot, and sometimes I get really emotional. Lately, though, they give me a push on this project.
Before I started testing to donate, I had “go blonde” on my bucket list. I ended up going back to my black hair before the surgery, because it was just way easier to keep up with.
This picture was taken on the day I first met TinyMom. 🙂

Me and TinyMom

Me and TinyMom

Our 2nd kidneyversary is coming up!!!

I cannot believe it’s been almost two years since my kidney donation.
I cannot believe this damn kidney has taken over my life. (in a good way!)
I cannot believe the path my life is on professionally with this kidney donation.
I cannot believe that in 6 weeks, this documentary is FINALLY getting made!
I cannot believe the people who are now a part of my life because of donating.

This picture was taken at our 90-day kidneyversary. Me and TinyMom.

Me and TinyMom

Me and TinyMom

The podcast is setting records for downloads!

My friend Chris, who I’ve known for about nine years, set me up to do a podcast called “Positively Speaking” yesterday. It was a great experience and the host, Bill Poett, was very easy to talk to.

For the first 45 minutes, it was me telling my story. Things blew up, though, when we started to get callers. Grab your Kleenex and have a listen!

Positively Speaking 3/14/13

#KidneyChat starts tonight!

#KidneyChat starts tonight at 8pm PST.

There are many, many chats on Twitter for people to participate in. They are found by knowing what the hashtag for the chat is. For example, I know on Tuesday evenings, there is an #smmanners chat. It’s a discussion of Social Media manners. Chats are awesome because you can learn a lot from people you may not interact with.

So, once you know what the hashtag is, you can search the hashtag and jump in. What I prefer, though, is to go to You log in with Twitter, enter the hashtag of the chat, and see what everyone is saying. Every tweet you send out while using will automatically include the hashtag.

If you use Tweetdeck (not sure how other third-party apps work), you can add a column with the hashtag.

Always remember (except for when you use to add the hashtag into your tweet for others to see.