Last Friday and Saturday, I had 4 fundraiser comedy shows. I hand-picked the best comedians in the Valley, and those who are friends who supported me the past two years through all this.
Two shows were completely sold out! The later shows never draw a big crowd, but the shows were fun nonetheless. Everyone did well and the crowd really enjoyed it. It’s so foreign to me when someone tells me it was their first ever comedy show. I just can’t imagine that, but then again, I sometimes go to 5 a week.
We sold a lot of T-shirts, too! I just got two more orders tonight on Facebook. Things are moving along! One woman bought a shirt for her husband, and he’s wearing it to the Lady Gaga show tonight. My eyes welled up when I saw it. People will ask about it. The logo is SO AWESOME, too!
Jimmy and I are meeting Monday to go over some promotional and financial stuff. I told him at the end of the last show Saturday night “I don’t want to talk to you for a few days.” We had to spend so much time together over the weekend, we both needed a break! I’m a perfectionist when it comes to having my name on something, so I know I was demanding. We had so much help, though, and I couldn’t thank everyone enough.
So…buy a shirt! They are $20.